With the turf safety of Manuscript, applications are recommended between the end of May and the beginning of September (best timing depends on the target weed). This will encourage desirable grass to fill in quickly while it is actively growing.
Manuscript can be applied as a broadcast treatment for control of bull/thin paspalum, however
spot treatments are recommended for difficult-to-control weeds like tropical signalgrass. Spot treatments can also be used to help control crabgrass breakouts in lawns.
The 2023 label enhancement includes
broadcast rates of Manuscript recommended to control
perennial ryegrass and
bull paspalum (thin paspalum):
- Volunteer or contaminant ryegrass can be removed with a single application at 16.4 fl. oz./A
- Lower rates can be used to aid transition in Poa annua turf
- For bull paspalum control, make either:
- One application at 19.2 fl. oz./A
- Two applications at 9.6 fl. oz./A on a 14- to 21-day interval
For best results, Manuscript should be applied in 40 gallons of water per acre with 0.5% v/v of Adigor.
Target weeds should be actively growing. In other words, they should not be under stress from drought or other factors to maximize absorption and translocation of the active ingredient.
For additional application details,
download the Manuscript technical brochure and
always read and follow label instructions.